Sales and marketing documents from DIAVON for your day-to-day business
We offer you a wide range of information material and marketing tools to support you in your day-to-day business with your customers in the best possible way.
You are welcome to choose between several sales and marketing documents according to your specific requirements or request our complete marketing kit directly.
Benefit from our extensive marketing kit.
Become an official retail partner of MANUFAKTURDIAMANTEN now and benefit from our extensive marketing kit.
For more information, please send an email to or call us directly on +49 9381 524 2280 .
Das Marketing-Kit im Überblick
• Our exclusive image book for the display and presentation of all information about our MANUFAKTURDIAMANTEN
• Print products such as flyers, A1 & A3 posters, writing pads, desk pads, sticky notes
• Other materials such as ballpoint pens, DIAVON candies, microfibre cloth
• High-quality image and video material, for example for use on your social media channels
• Certificates from GIA, IGI and other well-known institutes as well as our DIAVON certificate
• Listing of our partners on the DIAVON website
Das DIAVON Imagebooklet
Alle Informationen und Vorteile zu unserem MANUFAKTURDIAMANTEN® als Auslage für Ihre Beratungsgespräche. Schreiben Sie uns eine Mail an, gerne schicken wir Ihnen kostenlos Printexemplare zu. Alle unsere Marketingmaterialen erhalten Sie auch in englischer Sprache.
Don't see the marketing tool you need listed? Please
do not hesitate and feel free to contact us.
For inquiries about the marketing kit and other information material, please contact:
Selma Hummel
+49 9381 524 228-2
The "Green" Diamond
The MANUFAKTURDIDAMANT stands for flawless values and guarantees a conflict-free and environmentally active value chain.