Plant-for-the-Planets fight against climate change

Plant-for-the-Planets Kampf gegen den Klimawandel

Planting trees to combat climate change is the goal set by the organization Plant-for-the-Planet. One trillion trees are planned to be planted by 2050 in order to contain the effects of climate change. DIAVON cooperates with Plant-for-the-Planet and contributes to this goal by selling MANUFAKTURDIAMANTs. You can find out more about our cooperation partner Plant-for-the-Planet here.

Trees alone are not the solution - but part of it

Before humans started clearing forests for their own purposes, there were 6 trillion trees on Earth. Today, there are only 3 trillion. In the fight against climate change, however, it is extremely helpful to replant as many trees as possible, because trees absorb CO2 and can thus slow down climate change. The emphasis here is on "slow down", because Plant-for-the-Planet itself says that it is not possible to stop climate change just by planting trees. But in this way, we can buy ourselves time to design and implement a plan for a structured energy transition, drastically reducing our CO2 emissions so that we can still manage to meet the 1.5°C goal. Not exceeding the 1.5 degree mark is essential to prevent dramatic consequences of the climate crisis for humans. Planting trees, however, offers other ecological benefits. In the course of Plant-for-the-Planet's renaturation projects, precise renaturation plans are drawn up for the respective areas to increase the diversity of native tree species and take into account which tree species are particularly useful in relation to the respective climate and vegetation. This can also increase biodiversity and not only maintain, but increase the natural habitat for native wildlife. To increase the effectiveness of the renaturation projects, the organization has its own on-site research projects.

Eating chocolate for the climate

For every euro donated, Plant-for-the-Planet plants a tree. In the case of donations that are not earmarked for a specific purpose, the money flows into other areas that are important for the organization itself, for example the promotion of children and teenagers, public relations work or even the further development of the Plant-for-the-Planet app. But the renaturation projects are not only financed through direct donations. The organization's children and youth initiative has launched The Change Chocolate. This is a Fairtrade milk chocolate and for every three or five bars sold, a tree is planted. This works because manufacturers and retailers forgo their profits. Through the sale of the chocolate alone, over 7 million trees have already been planted. With the help of normal donations, over 20 million trees have already been planted worldwide, and many more millions have been financed and will soon be planted.

Education for children and young people

Plant-for-the-Planet doesn't just stop at planting trees. The organization also trains children and young people to become ambassadors for climate justice. Plant-for-the-Planet offers various formats for this purpose. For example, there are academies, which are one-day workshops where young people learn what they can do themselves to combat the climate crisis, and how they can give good speeches in front of an audience to convince adults to fight climate change. Tree Talks are also held twice a month, inviting experts to offer children and young people between the ages of 8 and 16 further education on various climate-related topics. Regular networking events are also held, offering the opportunity to network with each other and plan joint actions, in Germany and also worldwide.

Social benefits of the renaturation projects

Plant-for-the-Planet's renaturation projects also create green jobs, especially in the poorer global South, where many of these projects are located. According to Plant-for-the-Planet, these areas of the world - South America, Africa and South Asia - offer great potential for renaturation projects. At the same time, this creates the opportunity for an increase in prosperity through a new economic sector in these areas. In Mexico, some of the employees of such a project were asked about their motivation to work for Plant-for-the-Planet. The answers made the social benefits particularly clear. Plant-for-the-Planet of course offers secure jobs and the opportunity to support their families financially, but employees also receive health and social insurance and can give something back to nature in their home country through their work. One employee even reports that traditional gender roles have been broken down, as women take on responsibility and leadership roles in her project.

DIAVON stands 100% behind the values that Plant-for-the-Planet represents, behind the goal and the changes already achieved by the organization. The MANUFAKTURDIAMANTs of DIAVON stand for transparency and sustainability. Therefore, apart from the social added value that our MANUFAKTURDIAMANTs provide, we are very proud that as a partner of Plant-for-the-Planet we are also able to create an ecological added value. Our diamonds are produced by the Diamond Foundry exclusively with the help of renewable energies, i.e. completely CO2-neutral. In this way, we are already making a contribution to not further exploiting the earth's resources through mining. Through our cooperation with Plant-for-the-Planet, however, we can additionally give something back to nature and actively participate in the fight against climate change. For every MANUFAKTURDIAMANT sold, we plant up to 10 trees. Transparency is also very important to Plant-for-the-Planet. If you would like to learn more about the structure of the organization, about the individual projects and about the successes achieved so far, you are therefore welcome to take a look at the annually published transparency reports here.



Image: Adobe Stock | 408069086  

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